Addressing underlying issues

Addressing underlying issues

I really liked the approach in addressing underlying issues which were affecting me and inhibiting me from reaching my goals. Great overall experience, caring and effective.


Update 1 month later:

Hi Anna

It’s great to hear from you, I’ve been going well, I’ve noticed some real changes. I’ve got a different attitude of confidence and determination and I think self-belief.

I’m also doing a bit more exercise which I think comes from more self-commitment. With the eating I fluctuate a bit but the thing I have noticed is that I know I’m choosing to eat, so it’s more of a decision, which I think is good, it’s not so mindless as before so I know I have more control over it. I have lost a few kilos though.

I think I’m happier than before I came to see you.

I hope all is well with you, thank you again for your help and fabulous work – it’s very inspiring.

Maxine Jones Stress Relief Program September 22, 2017